Yesterday, I joined two of my good friends to attend a taping of The Dr. Oz Show.  My two friends Deniece and Daryl (l to r) actually ended up being pulled from the audience to be on the show.  Of course they knew ahead of time that they were going to be featured and the topic, but the experience was a lot of fun. I even got to tape a confessional piece that I hope doesn’t end up on the cutting room floor.

I am becoming an expert on the talk show circuit. *giggles* I have been on Nate Berkus, The Bill Cunningham Show and many others.  My first talk show experience was with Jenny Jones.  The topic was so boring and that I don’t even think it ever aired.  Sadly, I never got a chance to sit in Lady O’s audience.  But my brother did.  He got to appear on the second part of  Oprah’s surprise farewell, in honor of the men who had received Oprah’s scholarship at Morehouse College.  I boo hoo’d like a baby watching it.

We were told that the  show will air sometime within the next few weeks. I will keep my eyes peeled to Dr. Oz commercials.

Have you ever been on a talk show or sat in the audience?